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At this time, Fundación César Manrique houses two collections: one of contemporary art compiled by its founder, consisting primarily of works by artists of his generation (‘Fondos’ [holdings]), and the other representative of the institute’s namesake artist (Colección Manrique [Manrique collection]). The latter is exhibited in three of the halls at Taro de Tahíche: ‘Espacios’ [spaces], with works involving the natural environment; ‘Bocetos’ [sketches] with rough drawings for his murals, designs, mobiles and ceramics; and ‘Pintura’ [painting] with a broad selection of his pictorial oeuvre.

FCM also has its own collection of works revolving around the relationship between art and nature that is not normally on display. It feeds the foundation’s temporary exhibit policy with works by artists for whom nature is the core theme in their creative endeavour, expressed in contemporary language. The Art-Nature collection presently holds works by Nils-Udo, Thomas Joshua Cooper, Miguel Ángel Blanco, Axel Hütte, Hamish Fulton, Giuliano Mauri and Jan Hendrix.

The collection on exhibit at César Manrique’s Museum and Home at Haría comprises a broad sampling of the artist’s personal belongings: furniture and houseware; paintings and other works; books, magazines and catalogues; household and decorative items; photographs; domestic tools; clothing, rugs, tapestries…; as well as objects designed by César himself: lamps, tables, headboards…